“Behind the Neck” Exercises

Every time I see someone doing shoulder presses or lat pulldowns behind the neck, I want to intervene. The reason that I have mobility issues in my shoulders now is because of years doing these two exercises incorrectly - behind the neck instead of in front. Yet, I also know that if someone had interrupted me doing these exercises when I was in my 20s or 30s, I would have ignored them, and told them to mind their own business.

Therefore, in place of an intervention that many might consider rude, I implore anyone reading this to take heed and benefit from the wisdom of my years, and of errors made that could have been avoided. I beg you, for the health of your shoulders of your future selves, please do the following exercises in front of the neck rather than behind:

1) Seated barbell overhead presses

2) Standing barbell overhead presses

3) Wide grip lat pulldowns

4) Narrow grip lat pulldowns

5) Dumbell shoulder overhead presses

Your 40 and 50-year old self will thank you for it. Believe me.


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